Thursday, October 16, 2008

Monday, October 6, 2008

You should add these guys...

You should go check out this totally rad band on myspace. Here's their link.

New music soon kids... Very soon...

Thursday, October 2, 2008

I watch too much horror...

So I've been hanging out all week, not going to class, but working on a lot of new projects, and a lot of old ones, too. I figured I'd give you guys a taste of something, besides shitty lyrics. Enjoy.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

New music say what?

So last night, I was up till around 5 a.m., writing lyrics, watching movies, and working on my sketchbook. I finished one solid set-o-lyrics, and I was just wanting feedback from people. So feed me.

The infection-Is spreading
From the gates of hell to walk the earth
You burnt the bridges-You left us stranded
We’ll barricade ourselves inside the mall

No news feed-No television
Looks like the end has just begun
There’s got to be, another way out
Since when can those motherfuckers run

Aim for the head, right between the eyes
Who knew that, that you could
Die a second time

Families dead-Lovers long-lost
Don’t hold onto her after she’s gone
Yeah she’s moving-but something ain’t right
Eating out has a whole new meaning come on

Say something (Don’t shoot)

Sunday, September 21, 2008

My lip only hurts at night...?

One week down. It has begun. I'm one week into school here in Savannah, and everything is literally, fantastic. Much better than the genesis of last year. Lest start from move-in day...

Okay, let's start before. I lied. Deal with it.

I finished up work with the art gallery at home about three weeks ago now. It was an amazing experience. I walked in thinking I'd be a temp for two weeks. In an out. That'd be it. Enough cash to hold me over till I got my job at Blockbuster done and settled with. I ended up staying for two whole months. I'm not complaining though, don't worry. I got the responsibilities and cash flow of a semi-real job, but I had the freedoms of a temp. It was great. Near the end, I got to work a little with some design projects that kept my brain in motion. The experience of seeing how a gallery, versus a mueseum works, was very interesting. The ideas of designing the space totally change. The focus is on getting every piece out there that juuuust might sell to someone. It's a very maximalist idea, as opposed to keeping everything simple and clean. Oddly enough, it works though. You really wouldn't believe. I never thought that at 19, I'd be selling a $2,500 glass bowl to someone I'd never see again. Strange things people. Strange things.

They were really so great to me, I feel like I have to give them a plug here, so please, go to and check em' out. They're great folks, and if you're in the area, stop by and see them. Tell em' I sent you... Then run.


So I finished at the gallery a week before I left for Savannah. I was still workign at Blockbuster some, but I needed time to mentally, and physically prepare to leave. During one of my days off, I dyed my hair black again, and I'm loving it. It works with my complexion in any season. So that's my two seconds of vanity for the day. Thanks for listening. I got packed and ready in record time, and I brought everything I needed, sans a longer ethernet cable and a pair of tweezers. I took care of the latter as soon as I could once I got here to Savannah.

As you already know, I've had this very real interest in a certain female I've been talking to, and the first night I arrived in Savannah, the family checked into the hotel, and I headed out to see her. When I picked her up, it was literally one of those moments where your heart skips a beat. I felt like I was 14 again. I couldn't get ANYTHING right. I was nervous, dorky, not my normally verbose self, and just all-around a disaster. We found a parking lot for us to leave the car to go walk around the city, and as soon as we got out, I had to give her a hug, but after, she pulled back, looked at me, and it was a very movie-esque moment, totally cliche, but it worked. Our eyes met, just for a second, and then we kissed. The rough start to the evening needed a little help along.

I've seen her every day since, and it's nothing short fo fantastic. In such a short amount of time, I've never been so happy to be with someone. It's not that rebound bullshit I've been through before either. We know how to give each other our space, but when to call, when to stop by, etc., etc... I haven't been this happy in around two years or more. It's absolutely insane. We're offcially dating now, and everythigng feels absolutely right. I'm making sure I don't take her for granted, I don't do stupid shit, and for ONCE, I'm not being selfish, and amazingly enough, it's coming naturally.

Okay. I'm done being sappy. But be happy for me. I haven't been here in a long time, and I don't plan on leaving any time soon.

On to business.

Life in Savannah is very different from what it used to be. I haven't had a songle thing to drink since I've been here, and I haven't seen much of my old friends. I keep intending to chill with them some, but oh well. It's actually been fine with me, so whatever. I'm smoking more, still no meat, and I'm drinking LOTS of water. Figure that out.

Classes are good I suppose. I have an advertising design class at 11:00 a.m. on Monday and Tuesday along with a 5:00 p.m. graphic design class. On Tuesdays and Thrusdays, I'm takimg my 3-D design nonsense. All three classes are fairly engaging, and all are challenging. I'm currently working on a powerpoint for the advertising, I'm letting hot glue settle on some spaghetti for the 3-D, and I'm procrastinating working on graphic design. Damn manual designing...

I feel motivated though. For many reasons. I want to be here, but I also want to be here for her. I think that's a little more noble than living for the next party? Maybe noble's not the word, but I'm doing well folks. Me and my lip ring.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Of Things To Come And Go

I think it's fairly necessary to update 'you people,' ( and by that I do mean all four of you) on what I've been up to lately. I don't have that much to say about any of it, besides that neither of these little projects are 'finished,' or even done deals as to them becoming finished ever for that matter. They're both very much in production, so take them as you will.

First of, something a little more tangible. This is a clip from a song I'm currently working on for a project I'm doing on my own. I'm not totally sure where it's heading, but I'm thinking somewhere more along the lines of dance music? Figure that one out, and try and apply it to what I've got here. Basically, make this sound less like a movie soundtrack and more like what you'd hear blasting out of the Roxy in L.A. every other day. In your head. Please don't actually remix this and make me feel like crap...

So the second piece of artistic vomit I'm going to throw at you today is a set of shirt designs I just finished for what may or may not be a band that my best friend and I are starting and have been recording bits and pieces of here and there... Maybe...



Saturday, September 6, 2008

New kicks...

Just got my new vegan Macbeth Eliots in the mail yesterday. They're
pretty much the most rad thing ever.